Patty’s school rules V.S ours

Article written by Marine Dieudonné, Lola Ribeiro Nunes, Garance Cailliez, Clémence Linard et Caroline Caron

When she was fourteen years old, Patty was in an all-girl catholic private school. You can translate “all-girl” by “no boys here” !

Her school system was divided into four grades : the first year was called “freshman year” (it was Patty’s grade), the second one was the sophomore year, the next one was the Junior year and the last one was called the Senior year.

She must have been a clever student because she had a scolarship.

In her school she had to wear a uniform. It was the only thing she hated in this school (she said it was awful)

In our school we don’t have to wear a uniform (luckily thinks a lot of students). She had to wear penny-loafer shoes, a grey skirt, knee-high socks, a white blouse with the school logo, a black sweater and a tie. And if your skirt was too short, you got detention.

About jewels, it’s more or less the same for both of our schools except that she could only wear religious jewels : a cross necklace and a pair of earrings which are strictly forbidden in our school (and in all non-religious schools). Piercings were not allowed.

It’s also the same for both of our schools about make up : she had to look natural, so do we but lipsticks were forbidden in hers. In Patty’s school if you were caught chewing chewing-gum, you got detention.